Monday, May 12, 2008

#11 All about LibraryThing

I had fun locating covers of books I wanted to add to my library catalogue. LibraryThing is a great resource, handy for both professional and personal use. Not being a big fiction reader most of my choices are memoirs and personal stories.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

#9 Finding Feeds

Hooray...I have finally managed to find time to look at subscribing to Feeds. I added 12 to my account which included Boing Boing, CoolTools, Unshelved, iTunes, Word of the day and LibraryBytes.

I liked LibraryBytes for its insightful information relevant to the library profession. It contained a report about social media which explained how blogs are becoming a more important part of global media consumption for internet users than some traditional media channels.

Subscribing to RSS Feeds saves time and allows users to have access to up-to-date information which may be of interest to them. I can see the benefits of using them in my workplace situation but I don't think I would bother using them at home as I sometimes feel I have information overload! I'm sure regular users of the Internet would find this tool invaluable.